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Keplerians Horror v4.1 Addon - Bug Fixes and Improvements

   Do you love playing Horror games? Killer Games? Then this is the right Addon for you! This addon adds Keplerians Horror Games Characters to your world, they will attempt to kill you and chase you so find a place to hide!

  • Supports the following platforms;
  • Bedrock Edition Mobile - Recommended 
  • Win10 Edition - Playing on win 10 is not highly recommend because theres a chance that some of the addon features will not work on Win10 Edition 
Gameplay Video
Addon Characters:

•Rod from the Ice Scream game

Rod is a Ice Scream Man, he loves (to kill) chubby kids for his Ice Cream product, shooting him with electro gun makes him Unconscious for 60 seconds

• MiniRods from the Ice Scream series 

Janitor MiniRod


Office MiniRod

MiniRods are Rod's Workers, MiniRods will chase you if they saw you, they will electro shock you for 5 seconds making you unable to walk 

Boris from the Ice Scream Game

Boris is Rod's Bodyguard, he alwaysleeps but he will kill you when you get close to him , shooting him with electro gun makes him awake

•Evil Nun from Evil Nun 1

Beware of this nun, she is fast and will chase you when she sees you, she can jump and open doors, she will kill you with her giant hammer!

•Sister Madeline from Evil Nun 2

Beware of Sister Madeline! She is fast and will chase you when she sees you, she can jump and open doors too, she will kill you with her painful slap!

Gummy from Evil Nun 2

his is gummy, Sister Madeline's pet, gummy is a mutant chicken, he will chase enemies and stun them for 5 seconds

•J and Mike from the Ice Scream series

J and Mike are the kids in the game Ice Scream, they need to run away from enemies for their lives

Rod Morph and Evil Nun Morph

Each of them have their own animations and sfx

•Walking Animation, Attacking Animation, Idle Animation

They also have sound effects

•Walking sound

•Attack sound

•Ambient voices

Special Thank
UseDataPlays, VinceLouis, LucasLloyd, Peam25223, DmndSlyr05

Subscribe to Respected Developer for more Addons

LiL Craft YT



1. Download File from below
2. Open your File Manager ( Recommended Z Archiver )
3. Go in downloaded folder and hold file
4. Then you will see a option near view ( arrow in left side of view button )
5. Click there and select Minecraft 
That's it XD
